Check the flour, calculate the best dough recipe and bake the Perfect Pizza.
Sure. You can grab a random bag of flour and make some dough.
But the thing is: your pizza will most likely not turn out great.
Flour is the most important ingrediënt for a delicious pizza. But if you don’t know anything there
is to know about the flour you are using, you will run into some common dough trouble:
- shrinking pizza dough
- collapsed dough
- sticky pizza dough balls
Sound familiar?
In the whole process of making pizza dough, little mistakes are easily made. If you dont know
exactly what youre doing wrong, your pizzas are guaranteed to remain unpredictable and not of
consistent quality.
This is where our Perfect Pizza Flours app helps:
- Scan a package of flour and discover all it’s characteristics
- Discover the Best Pizza Flours of the World
- Calculate a pizza dough recipe with your favorite flour(s)
- Rate your favorite flour
- Create your own pizza dough diary and rate your own recipes and pizza’s
- Save and share your recipes
- Available in multiple languages
Remember: your friends, family our even paying guests don’t easily forget a Great Pizza.
It is a form of Eternal Fame.
Avoid pizza dough mistakes. Use the Perfect Pizza Flours App. And improve every pizza that is
baked in this world.
Privacy friendly
We have designed and intended our app to be privacy friendly.
We don’t want a copy of all your contacts. We don’t want to track everything you do online.
That’s your business. We are pizza lovers, just like you. Our goal is to help you bake Perfect
- Privacy friendly
- No add’s
- No tracking
- No use of your data to show you add’s
Contact the developer
[email protected]
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